Nearly 2 million people a year in England and Wales experience domestic abuse, and many endure long-term harm from their experiences.
Each year around 2.1m people suffer some form of domestic abuse - 1.4 million women (8.5% of the population) and 700,000 men (4.5% of the population)
An estimated 4.6m women (28% of the adult population) have experienced domestic abuse at some point since the age of 16
A quarter of 13-18 year old girls report experiencing physical abuse in their own intimate partner relationships, and one-third sexual abuse
Gender Equality Matters Ltd (GEM) is a company set up to raise awareness of and educates children, young people and adults about:
• Domestic violence and abuse
• Safeguarding yourself
• Managing feelings and emotions
• Identifying health and unhealthy relationships
The Fair PlayTM Workbook is an excellent first introduction to topics of unhealthy relationships and red flags.
Children are taught about acceptable and unacceptable behaviours, risks with accessing social media and keeping secrets.
This can help children to express more easily if anything or anyone makes them feel uncomfortable or worse.
Children are also asked to identify a trusted adult, so if they are worried about something, they know who they can turn to.
Educational attainment
Career prospects
Decision to participate in health risky behaviours
Future relationships
and more…
Fair Play™ are awareness raising and engagement tools in the form of interactive board games, looking at key issues surrounding domestic abuse and understanding healthy relationships. They are an engaging way to start a conversation about difficult subjects in a non-threatening environment.
The Fair Play™ games are designed to be accessible for a variety of ages as there are 2 versions, one for all ages including children over the age of 5, and one for secondary school age children and young people as well as adults.
Fair Play™ has been developed in a way that the sessions can be facilitated by a teacher, tutor, or responsible adult.
All facilitators must reference the source of the work in terms of all written, verbal, or visual information. This includes radio, TV interviews, newspaper articles, training presentations, feedback reports to funders and advertising. Fair Play™ remains the intellectual property and copyright with all rights reserved of Sahdaish Pall/Gender Equality Matters Ltd and should be referenced whenever used.